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Our second trip the following April was much easier. We understood the Euro rail, we knew the hospitals' protocol, and we had packed lighter but added a bunch of American food. The staff offered the kitchen on the PRRT ward for me to cook or heat my food. The staff was again pleasant, testing the same, but I still crossed my legs 300 times as I waited outside Dr. Baum's office to hear the results. The wait was worth it as I squeezed my wife's balmy hand when this amazing physician told us the treatment had worked. All SUV's had decreased. My tumors were beginning to stabilize. We cried as we walked the sterile halls back to the locked down radiation ward. I happily prepared myself for treatment #2. Even the food almost looked good this time. Still got sick after 48 hours and it lasted about a week. I had looked at Dr. Baum like a child as he chastised me for not getting my blood tested after I returned home. This time I did better. Of course all my blood counts were low. I still felt great but I would get tired in the afternoons. The flight home through Philadelphia was non-eventful. The scans let me walk through customs like I owned the place. Interesting.